Let’s face it. Toddlers are a breed of their own! They are challenging and exciting all at once!
If you’re experiencing issues with your toddler’s sleep, the most important thing to consider is implementing some clear boundaries.
As the wise Janet Lansbury says; “To children, our boundaries mean we see you, we love you, we care enough to make the effort, an effort that children always sense and appreciate. Never doubt that.”
When I’m coaching parents with their toddlers’ sleep, I cannot emphasize enough how critical it is to work within a set of clear boundaries and to apply consistency when responding to wake ups and bedtime resistance.
Toddlers are persistent! As parents of toddlers; we need to be even more persistent and consistent.
To embed these boundaries, it is helpful to apply the 4 R’s;
- Rules (because toddlers crave rules, in fact rules create a feeling of safety and predictability)
- Rewards (because toddlers yearn to impress you and receive positive recognition from you)
- Role Play (here you’d demonstrate the behaviours you’re trying to cultivate by role playing the rules with your toddlers toys/dolls. Imaginative play is an important part of a toddler’s development)
- Returns (keep returning your toddler to bed until the message and the boundaries become clear)
Check out my Toddler Sleep Guide for more tips.
I’m here for you if you need to chat more x