Newborn Sleep Guide
Learn more about your newborn’s sleep.
These first few months with your new baby are magical, but equally overwhelming and triggering.
The newborn months can be stressful and exhausting, I remember only too well crying over feeding issues, trying to get my baby to nap, and dreaming of more than 3 hours sleep a night.
Tips on Traveling with your Baby
Learn more how to travel with your baby.
This guide covers the following topics:
- Preparing for travel
- During transit
- When you arrive
Nap Routines 4 months to 4 years of age
Learn more about your baby’s sleep.
These first few months and years with your new baby are magical, but equally overwhelming and triggering. I have put together a set of nap routines for your baby from 4 months till 2 years. Before 6 months, our babies tend to respond better to awake windows.
After 6 months, a somewhat structured nap routine tends to have better impact.
Here are the awake windows guide if your baby is less than 6 months of age.
The Ideal Sleep Environment
Learn more about your baby’s sleep.
In the first 3 months, research tells us that roughly 50% of the way our baby sleep is genetic. This means that when we consider nature vs nurture, 50% of how your baby is sleeping is nature. Therefore, nothing we can do about that half. The other 50% is nurture, we can nurture great sleep habits into our children with things like consistent settling, good sleep hygiene, positive sleep cues, realistic routines and expectations.
This guide will take you through all of these nurture factors and show you how to create a healthy sleep environment for your baby.
Toddler Sleep Guide
Learn more about your toddler’s sleep.
The toddler years can be stressful and exhausting, I remember only too well crying over unexpected meltdowns and uncontrollable tantrums at bedtime.
Evidence shows that the ability to fall asleep independently is something that is learnt, and something that can instilled in your toddler by working on some healthy boundaries when it comes to their sleep.